Opening Night Gala: Visions Of Home ‘Les Amants du Pont-Neuf’ [Thurs 21st Nov]
Visions of Home is Haringey’s first independent film festival, bringing together the diverse range of film groups across the borough to form the Haringey Film Group.
Collage Arts are pleased to host the Opening Night Gala on 21st November at the Karamel restaurant, part of the Chocolate Factories in Wood Green.
Les Amants Du Pont-Neuf (The Lovers On The Bridge)
Alex is an aspiring circus performer, held back by his addiction to alcohol and sedatives. His lover, Michele, has been made destitute by a failed relationship and a crippling affliction which is slowly robbing her of her sight. Together with their older friend Hans, they struggle to endure a life on the uncaring streets of Paris, surviving by their wits alone. Set against the magnificent Pont Neuf, the city’s oldest bridge, while it was closed for repairs, Les Amants… shows the harsh existence of the homeless in one of the world’s most beautiful locations. With Parisian sky-scapes and waterways as their backdrop, the couple begin to reassemble their lives, but with Michele’s vision deteriorating she becomes more and more dependent on Alex. The prospect of an operation looms and amid a growing fear that she will leave him if her sight improves, Alex becomes controlling over Michele, keeping her as almost a prisoner on the bridge that they have come to know as home.
Visually stunning and tragically romantic, ’Les Amants du Pont-Neuf’ is a modern cinematic classic, and Collage Arts are delighted to show it as part of the Haringey Film Group Festival.
Start Time: 6.30pm (Film to start at 7.00)
Cost of entry: Free
Reservation required by email to santhosh@asiancentre.co.uk
Venue: Karamel Restaurant, 4 Coburg Road, Wood Green, London N22 6UJ