Improving the environment – exhibition
What would Haringey and Enfield be like with less traffic and more cycle routes, more affordable housing and less income divide, less air pollution, more renewable sourced energy, fewer petrol and diesel vehicles and more locally connected community policing?
Inspired by the Green Parties six policies of environmental, social and community change, this exhibition features artwork by local artists based in Haringey and Enfield in response to these questions. The Enfield and Haringey Green Parties have been instrumental in changing and improving the local area for the better throughout the years. The community artist competition was designed to use the arts to create awareness of how the local environment may be changed to improve people’s lives and to celebrate the many artists living and working in Enfield and Haringey.
Two local artists will win prizes of £1000 and £500 if selected and a special prize of £250 is for the best submission by an artist aged under 25. The judges are: James Lloyd, Tiernan Douieb and Karen Whiteread.
James Lloyd, a well-known portrait artist with numerous awards, member of the Royal Portrait Society and amongst other achievements has a portrait of Maggie Smith in the National Portrait Gallery and has painted an official portrait of the Queen.
Who better to judge local people’s work than a local artist – Tiernan Douieb – a well-known comedian-cum-artist who lives in Crouch End!
Karen Whiteread – specialises in work which is Digital Media Arts projects with a number of diverse communities all over the country. Her work with young people has been inspiring and extraordinary, including a piece on Haringey’s Coburg Road itself, transforming a local building into a piece of art!
The exhibition has been hosted by Collage Arts, local arts regeneration charity instrumental in developing the two Chocolate Factory buildings in Wood Green, home to over 200 artists and creative businesses.
The exhibition is on display in Karamel restaurant, 4 Coburg Road, London N22 6UJ from 12th April until 20th May 2016.