Collage Voices July – September 2024

We completed our 5th year of Saturday classes in July with a sharing of work from classes, a singers showcase, and the advanced drama showcase. Notably from our advanced drama group 3 students have gone on to 3yr training at drama school whilst another picked up an agent. In addition we have supported 3 student productions with advice and rehearsal space which has enabled them to achieve a run at the Edinburgh festival, a slot at theatre 503, and a slot at the Riverside studios. 

July also began a new partnership with Wellbeing and Health Action Movement (WHAM) led by senior clinician Dr Guddi Singh and anthropologist fellow at Kings College Zoe Goodman. It was a pilot project in which we delivered programme to 15 clinicians from around the country and young people looking how arts can support better communication and empathy between health service users and the communities they serve. This culminated in a sharing to a wider group of health professionals at the Science Gallery and a larger performance is booked next year at the Royal Festival Hall. We are now working with WHAM on a larger application. 

In August we delivered another summer school week in partnership with Jacksons Lane called Summer Stories. 

On September 14th we started our 6th year of Saturday classes.

On September 15th we held another Revolution fundraiser with stars of stage and screen performing, Most notably, star of Oklahoma and Broadchurch Arthur Darville and the first black female Dr Who Jo Martin. We raised approx £800. 

Across these 3 months we accessed theatre trips for our young people to see,

Shifters at the Bush Theatre, Hamilton at the Victoria Palace theatre, and Death of England at Soho Place. 

Congratulations to the 5 winning Jack Petchey students and leader winner Tony Mahama. 

I have attached the Voices newsletter for an overview of all of the last academic years achievements. 

‘Thank you for all you do. My daughter enjoys each and every week. This space is so precious for the kids.’ (Parent, Singing/Songwriting)

 I’ve been here since I could remember – Collage Voices taught me so much and helped me while I was struggling with moving. Thank you, Steve and my friends. (Participant, Drama 11-16)

I’m so impressed with Collage Arts’ work. You inspire the young people with such positivity, enthusiasm, and creativity. (Parent, Drama 11-16)